Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Planting Sunflowers and Potatoes

 On Wednesday, we planted some sunflower seeds in our garden.
We sprinkled the seeds in the soil and then we covered them up.
We used the seeds from last year's sunflowers.
We all had a turn to put some seeds in the garden

 Then, we planted some potatoes in the next garden.
We had to put the potatoes in a different garden to last year.
We had to dig a row for the potatoes so they are deeper in the soil.
We put in some potato food with the potatoes to help them grow.
Then we covered the potatoes with more soil.

We patted down the soil on the gardens.

Now we have to wait and see what happens next.

This week, we asked Dugan to water our gardens for us.
This will help them grow.

The gardens will need lots of water and sunshine to make them grow.

By Room One

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to watching the potatoes and sunflowers grow:) Pippa
