Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Creative works

We are learning to look, draw, look when sketching.
We sketched some shells from our Papatuanuku table. 
We practiced shading.



 We painted concentric circles, using the artist Kadinsky as a model.










And then we drew bottles.






Nature trail update.

The Hamilton East School nature trail is having a facelift.
We have a fantastic group of parents who are organising working bees to create a sustainable track. The next working bee is this Thursday morning 7am-11am. If you are available with a spade, wheelbarrow or just a helping hand, please let us know. A group of Enviro students will also be working on the track at this time.

We also need punga to strengthen part of the track. You can help by 'sponsoring a punga'. Please check out the board and see Ms Jones at the gate for more information.

Here are some images of Tui Hub exploring the progress on the nature trail this week. They were practising note-taking in preparation for their historic walk.