Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Calendar Art by Room 12

Yesterday we experimented with the colour green after Mrs Blair saw this fantastic post by Teach Kids Art

We made many green colour's into hearts. 

Room 12 walked along our school nature trail we saw lots of trees. Mrs Blair asked us to take a snap shot in our minds of part of the nature trail. 

We sketched in our project books to make a plan and help us remember our snap shot. After that we went inside and drew our sketch on our final bit of paper in preparation for painting our picture. 

Here are some photos of us on our slippery but beautiful autumnal looking nature trail. 

Just wait until you see our final pieces of calendar art!
We are super excited to be making them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Enviroment Team,
    What are beautiful garden you have.
    From room15
